Health Office

Debra Rolandelli DC, BSN, RN, CSN

Phone: 973-509-4174

Fax: 973-707-4302

Email: [email protected]

A child must be healthy to learn........

A child must learn to be healthy........

For all District related Health Forms

The school nurse is available for illnesses and injuries - but also for prevention, caring, comfort, teaching, and empowering your children, whatever their needs.

Thank you for your cooperation in helping me care for your children. Please fell free to call with any questions, concerns or updated information.

 Glenfield Nurse Debra Rolandelli

(973) 509-4174

It is very important for the school to know of any changes in your child's emergency or health information. Please notify the nurse by correspondence or telephone with regards to your child's emergency information, emergency contacts, parent/guardian's telephone contact information, health information or medical regime so that we can adequately provide assistance to your child.

*All Health Forms can be downloaded from the Montclair Board of Education Website or obtained from the Nurse's Office*

Student Health Screenings

Students will be screened annually for height, weight, and blood pressure.

6th and 8th grade students will be screened for vision.

7th grade students will be screened for hearing and scoliosis.

Parents will be notified of any findings that might require further medical evaluation.


As part of the school health program, it is recommended that your child have an annual physical examination by your family physician. It is recommended that these examinations be performed by your family physician. Your physician's knowledge of your child makes him/her best qualified to interpret the information necessary to improve your child's health. The family physician can assist the school in making adjustments in the educational program for every student. A medical examination performed during the summer is acceptable. The appropriate form to have completed by your physician is available in the school nurse's office or online at Montclair Board of Ed website. (Click on the forms tab at the top of this page)

Dental Examinations

Dental exams are recommended yearly by the family dentist.


We are asking your cooperation in the matter of student attendance and tardiness. It is difficult to have students make up work when they are frequently absent or frequently tardy. Prompt and regular attendance is necessary for successful school work. Please also refrain from taking your child out of school before dismissal, as this is also a disruption to the teacher and the class.

If a student is ill and will be absent from school for at least two weeks, arrangements can be made through the school nurse to receive home instruction. A doctor's note, with a diagnosis, requesting home instruction and indicating the anticipated length of absence is required.

Any student returning to school with a cast, crutches or injury must report to the nurse first before homeroom. It is necessary to provide the nurse with a doctors note as well as the appropriate clearance forms for crutches, casts, splints or orthopedic boots, signed by their physician. If an elevator key is required, the doctor must request that in writing. Parents/Guardians should advise the nurse at the beginning of the school year of any physical disabilities or health problems that may affect school activities.


A good breakfast is essential as always.  Ask your children what they ate for lunch. Too much good food is tossed into the garbage at lunch when children skip the healthy part of lunch in favor of sweet snacks. If you are packing a lunch for your child, try to provide a variety of healthy food. Encourage your child to eat well balanced meals and snacks. Refer to for more information.

Food Allergies

Some food allergies can be LIFE THREATENING.

We must do all we can to provide all students with a safe learning environment.

If your child has food allergies please inform the health office so that we can be sure to have emergency plans in place. A new emergency action plan signed by a physician must be provided each school year.  This form must be provided to the school nurse along with an epinephrine auto injector on or before the first day of school.

If is essential to keep the peanut/tree nut free table in the cafeteria clean in order to reduce the risk of accidental exposure to allergens. All students should be aware of the risk associated with food allergies and respecting and understanding their friend's allergies.

 Medication Administration

Any medication, including cough drops and topical creams must be kept in the health office.  Students who need medication during school hours must bring the original labeled container, with completed medication form, to the nurse. Please check the expiration date before sending in to school. No medication will be administered without proper documentation. Students are not permitted to carry or self-administer medication.

Any student requiring an Epi-pen or an inhaler will need to submit an action plan completed by their family physician and parent/guardian. Any student who has used these medications in the past should have received forms over the summer months to be returned in the fall. Please send in completed forms and medications as soon as possible.

Illnesses and Injuries at School

All students who are ill or injured at school are seen in the health office. Parents will be contacted if their child needs further care either by the parent, physician or dentist. When needed, the school nurse will complete accident reports.

Leaving school due to illness

Students, who become ill at school, should report to the health office, with a pass, for evaluation. Students may not leave the building due to illness without authorization from the nurse. Students should not be contacting their parents without seeing the nurse first.

When to keep your child home from school

Fever - any temperature over 100 degrees, must be fever free for 24 hours without analgesics to return to school.

Stomachache - keep home if accompanied by fever, vomiting or diarrhea, or difficulty eating.

Vomiting/Diarrhea - must be 24 hours without vomiting or diarrhea to return to school.

Rashes - unknown rashes should be seen by the family physician, especially if associated with lethargy or fever.

Poison Ivy - As long as the rash is being treated and the child can tolerate sitting in class, they can come to school with poison ivy.

Cold Symptoms - As long as children feel okay they may be in school, keep home if associated with heavy cough or thick green mucus.

Immunization Requirements

As required by New Jersey School Immunizations rules, Immunizations of Pupils in Schools (N.J.A.C. 8:57-4): Updates and boosters are to be submitted to the health office.


NO 6TH GRADE STUDENTS WILL BE ALLOWED TO BEGIN THE SCHOOL YEAR WITHOUT SUBMITTING PROOF OF 11 YEAR OLD IMMUNIZATIONS (Tdap and Meningococcal) PRIOR TO THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL. THERE WILL BE NO GRACE PERIOD. (students who's 11 year old birthdays fall after the first day of school will have 30 days from their birthday to submit documentation)

Physical Education Excuses

Parent notes may be written to excuse a student from Physical Education Class for 1-3 days. For longer than 3 days a Doctor's note is required.

Tips for a Safe and Healthy Life for the Whole Family

Eat Healthy - Choose a variety of whole foods and limit sugary and fatty foods.

Protect Yourself - wash hands, wear helmets, sunscreen, seat belts, and insect repellent, avoid cigarette smoke, prepare for emergencies

Manage Stress - Build safe and healthy relationships with family and friends. Balance work, home and play. Take time to relax.

Sleep - Adults need 7-9 hours of sleep and children need more.

Be Active - Do some form of physical activity every day.

When Can I Go Back to School After a Concussion?
You can go back to school when you can tolerate your symptoms for about 30–45 minutes (about the length of a school period) and you're cleared by your health care provider. Staying out of school too long won’t help you get better faster and can make it harder to get back to school. So if your health care provider says it's OK, it’s time to give school a try.




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