About Glenfield

Student Handbook 2021-2022

"We believe that every student can learn and achieve in a stress-free, safe, and secure environment, which is both nurturing and challenging."

Glenfield Middle School is the Visual and Performing Arts Magnet. Community, curriculum, coherence, climate and character are our fundamental building blocks. Students truly have choices; real options that promote excellence in living, as well as learning. Glenfield Middle School reflects the energy, sense of possibility and engagement that define the adolescents we serve.

Glenfield Middle School sits on Glenfield Park is over 100 years old and has a rich history inclusive of several renovations, which have added on a 600 seat auditorium, planetarium, gymnasium, climbing gym and outdoor lunchtime facility. Connected to our magnet theme Glenfield has 3 visual art rooms, a dance studio, culinary arts kitchen and 3D printing studio. Glenfield has 3 technology labs and library utilized for curriculum enhancement.

Glenfield Middle School has an active parent community that participates in both our Parent Teacher Association (PTA) and or School Action Team for partnership (SATp). Our PTA serves to advocate for the school by raising funds and volunteering services to support the school in various areas like school dances, field trips and classroom supplies. Our SATp serves as an advisory committee that can influence curriculum and programing.

Our students are assigned to one of six houses. Within the house structure, a sense of family is promulgated as people connect to create community. The value of "family" is affirmed, and students are supported by a team of teachers who encourage them to unfold the mysteries of life through language arts, mathematics, science, social studies and world language. In addition, through our aesthetic electives, youngsters create, shape and express themselves through a rich variety of artistic experiences in paint, sound, language, body movement, clay, voice and film.

Students and staff are energized and broadened as they create opportunities to sing, to say, to inscribe, to render, to show, to actualize something new to the world. Through an extensive interdisciplinary STEAM elective program, Glenfield students experience all aspects of a myriad of topics and are challenge to experiment with their own creative genius. Technology in both the "lab" concept and as part of the disciplines enriches all our students. World Language is a basic subject introduced to all students. Academic success is the cornerstone of our foundation. The enrichment that overlays this strata adds meaning and purpose to our school.

Glenfield is committed to providing a high quality, developmentally appropriate and individualized educational program for students identified with special needs. Students with special needs are educated in the least restrictive environment to the maximum extent appropriate. Additionally, students are supported prior to referral to the office of special service by the Intervention and Referral Service Team, I&RS and Response to Intervention, RTI personnel.

We offer a breakfast and lunch program in accordance with our district food policy. Students are encouraged to move throughout the day. While all students take physical education either in the form of team sports, fitness, climbing or dance, we also provide recess or down time daily. All students take a marking period of Health each year.

Outside of the regular school day students can participate in a variety of co- and extra-curricular programs. Model Congress, Model United Nations, Science Olympiad, Robotics and Inklings are clubs that students join. Glenfield Middle School (GMS) Extra is a free after school tutoring program that focuses on homework completion, executive functioning and re-teaching. GATEway is a gifted and talented program available to all students with electives that include, academic, artistic and physical opportunities.

In our pursuit of excellence, Glenfield Staff participates in on-going professional development provided from the district in various mandated topics like progress monitoring, information systems and curriculum. In-house Glenfield staff offer professional development to each other in a "lunch and learn" format.

Glenfield Middle School is a purposeful learning community with a clear and vital mission; students have more to discover, limits to be broken through, horizons to be reached and untapped possibilities to explore. Through a multitude of experiences, our students make sense of their lives cognitively, perceptually, imaginatively and effectively. Glenfield Middle School celebrates the individual child, affirms the right of every youngster to a quality education and upholds academic standards for all.

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